About Easy Media

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That was why I took on the Marketing Digitale Challenge.

My journey has been an interesting one. Years ago, I worked for a major motorcycle franchise and I was in the exact same situation you are in today. In fact, I was also searching for a marketing agency that would take our marketing plan forward and develop our brand. However, having found what I thought was the right guy it all turned sour very quickly. Indeed, after many months of false promises, empty results and thousands of pounds spent I dismissed our marketing agency with virtually nothing to show for it.

It was time to Build

After this frustrating experience, and the help of a colleague I decided to take on this marketing challenge and brought all marketing in house.

Moving forward and after a few weeks of course investment, intense study and a few trial-and-error mistakes I found myself having developed a hugely successful campaign. A campaign which not only substantially increased our business but also won industry awards.

Indeed, this is the premise of what, who and why I created Easy Media Solution. I quickly realised that the small to medium size marketing consultancy market is void of reliable, trustworthy consultants. True professional individuals who are capable of providing quality work at competitive, realistic prices. Not to mention all the fake, false promises.

and Today

Hence, today I provide a marketing service/consultancy to small/medium size business that are eager for growth. Furthermore, business and individuals that can truly understand the exciting opportunities a well-executed marketing plan can provide.

Easy Media Numbers


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Revenue for Clients


Staff members in Europe

Get dei touch a una. let's talk.

A well-devised modern marketing strategy will be the major boost your business requires to take you to the next level.

To start with we need information. We need to understand what your objective is. Moreover, we have to understand the motivation behind your contact. Not only will we listen to what you want to achieve. But we also need to add innovation to your strategy.

An effective marketing strategy is not a magic fairy dust that gets sprinkled above your website and all is accomplished.  Indeed, every business is unique. Moreover, every industry presents its own challenges. Therefore, it is only by investigating your market that we can determine which strategies are best for your business.

In today’s digital market place, we are all selling something. Whether it is a product or a service we need to present our work in an effective way. Especially as today’s market place is so overcrowded with competitors and products all claiming to accomplish the same result. ultimately the winner is he or she who can stand out from the crowd and build a common link with their customer. A trustworthy bridge that will allow your customer to come to you. To ask questions, to receive answers and more importantly, to be able to show confidence and trust in your business by buying into your company.

Because of this we need to make sure you stand out from this busy spectrum of confusing information that customers desperately want to avoid. Moreover, we need to present our customers with a clear, simple but safe way in which to buy our products and services.

We are always searching for like minded people. People who can inspire. Moreover, people who can think beyond what they have been told to accept as normal. People who always search for better more effective ways of achieving their goals. Furthermore, people who enjoy their work and want to build a better way of life not only for themselves but also for the people who have demonstrated trust and belief in their talents.

We want to her from people who have empathy, understanding but above all a burning desire to succeed.

If this sounds like you then send me a message and lets talk about how we can work together.

What our clients say about Easy Media.

We stand by our service promise and we are always eager to hear from our customers. Moreover all feedback is important to be able to continually grow and improve.

Contact us

Our aim is Simple. We want to level the digital playing field and help small to medium-sized businesses to not only compete. But Win.

    Unlimited Possibilities
    Digital Marketing guaranteed to impress. Websites, MobileApps, Social Media Management, Graphic design, Google adverts and SEO.
    Our Promise
    We are always ready to think out of the box and make you stand out in a competitive and crowded market.
    To Communicate Openly
    Unlike many in the Media marketing industry we take the time to explain and demonstrate the why’s and the how’s.
    Performance Guarantee
    If within the first month of our services you think that we haven’t brought any improvements to your business we guarantee you a full refund. No questions asked.
    Open chat
    Pleae dont hesitate to send us a message?