Whatsapp Business details that you need to know about.

Whatsapp Business details that you need to know about.

Whatsapp Business details that you need to know about.

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Did you know that WhatsApp Business comes preloaded with a variety of features to help make managing your business easier? You can use it to create and manage customer profiles, create product catalogues, and even track the performance of your campaigns. Furthermore, you can also use WhatsApp Business to set up automated customer service messages, so customers can get the help they need easily and quickly.

"WhatsApp Business can do so much more than you think."

Additionally, you can also use it to customize your customer experience and segment customers into different groups for targeted messaging. Finally, you can use your WhatsApp Business to track analytics and measure the success of your campaigns. Indeed, with all of these available features, you can be sure that your WhatsApp Business will help develop your marketing strategy even further.

Follow these simple but very important points and you will gain a significant advantage over your competitors and place your hotel in the best possible position for success.

This has to probably be the simplest, yet most important part of your WhatsApp Business Set-Up. Indeed, get this right and the whole WhatsApp Business platform will replay you handsomely with new leads, inquiries and who knows, actual conversions.

In fact, your WhatsApp Business profile is incredibly user friendly. From your business profile picture, to placing your name and address, Business hours, email contact and even multiple website details. This section is fairly self-explanatory and straight forward. However, one of the most impressive benefits to your WhatsApp Business profile is the ability to add products to your profile. Indeed, within your product description, you are able to include information such as: product photographs, product description and price. Not to mention the ability to include external URL links which you can forward to your website or store.

“The ability to add not only products but organise them into categories”

However, the bonus which makes this feature work perfectly is the capability to actually organize your products within your WhatsApp Business Profile into categories. Meaning your client will be able to make sense of all the products and services that are on offer.

Furthermore, once your catalogue is displayed in your WhatsApp Business profile your client can even create a wish list (add to cart feature). By doing so, they are able to add products and services to the cart. Then they can easily forward you the purchase request.

Why Set up your WhatsApp Business Profile.

hands login into whatsapp business mobile application on the phone

Responsive Web Design will increase the enjoyment of your website. however more importantly is crucial for Google’s Algorithm. Web Design Introduction

But how about cross referencing all of your other social platforms?

a funny graphic showing different emojis jumping out of a mobile phone

SEO is not as responsive as Pay Per Click. Indeed, you will have to wait a little longer before you see any results. However, the wait will be worth it. SEO Introduction

Well, the great news here is that you are also available to link your WhatsApp Business profile with your social media accounts. Such, as Facebook and Instagram. So, once a client finds you on WhatsApp, they have an incredible amount of information available to them and are able to discover more about your amazing company.

However, the best and most important social feature of your WhatsApp Business profile is the ability to link your WhatsApp Business account to your Facebook Business page. This way you are able to create Facebook Ads and link the Ads directly to your WhatsApp Business message service. So, next time someone clicks on your Ad they are immediately directed to have a conversation with you. An extremely simple yet very powerful tool that every business should take advantage of.

So here is a feature that screams Instagram. Indeed, if anyone tried to explain WhatsApp status updates to me, I would say they were describing Instagram Stories.

Status Updates give you the ability to upload a text, a picture, a gif, or even a video directly onto your profile. Meaning that when people see your profile picture, they will see your profile picture highlighted encouraging them to click. This in turn will open your Status information. However, the catch is, the status update will only show for 24 hours.

"Status Updates are a pretty cool feature. You just need to know how to use it properly"

Furthermore, you stay in complete control. In Fact, one important note to mention is that for people to see your status updates you will both have to have each other’s contact details in your phones. However, you will also have the ability to control who gets to see your new Status Updates. So, here you are able to include or even exclude your Status updates for particular contacts. Giving you complete control as to who can see your information.

So, taking all into consideration the WhatsApp Business Status Updates is a pretty cool feature. You just need to know how to use it properly.

WhatsApp Business Status Updates are the new Instagram Stories.

A perfect social media strategy needs to identify which platform your clients are most prominent on. The Tools we use

But how about WhatsApp forms?

hand of a man selecting inputs on a touch screen pad

Keep your future guests engaged with your business. Create a promotion campaign that encourages not only returning guests. But also friends and family to visit.

This is probably the most powerful feature available on the WhatsApp platform. Indeed, a feature that very few businesses are taking full advantage of. You see, not only can you build direct link WhatsApp forms to gather customer feedback and reviews. But you could use the forms to gather orders. Even link these orders to payment gateways which will allow your customers to complete their purchases all from within your WhatsApp Business platform.

"The possibilities are far more diverse than you think"

However, it does not stop here. In fact, we can also automate the ordering process where the system will offer answers based on your client’s input. Meaning, we can even create a bot ordering process where you are able to receive a full order with payment via your WhatsApp Business profile and not even have to talk or message your customer directly.

This alone is an incredible feature that if used properly so many businesses would benefit from.

There are many ideas on the future direction of WhatsApp Business as a platform. Indeed, as we all know the WhatsApp platform is now owned by the Meta corporation and their main goal is about making money for investors. So, currently the WhatsApp messaging tool is free to use. But the burning questions is for how long. Or, how is Meta going to do to try and monetise the platform.

"WhatsApp payment gateway just might be the future"

Indeed, Brazil and India already have WhatsApp payment facilities directly incorporated into the platform. So, it tends to give us an inkling as to where we might be heading towards in the not-too-distant future. The truth is, whatever Meta decide to do. Currently WhatsApp is extremely influential and we the public seem to be addicted to it. So, for now we are only going to concentrate on what we have available and make the absolute most of it.

The future of WhatsApp Business.

You don’t need expensive photography equipment to make a photograph look engaging. in fact, think of the context and try to make the picture tell a story. (for example, this farm Hotel located in Italy) il-Casaletto

In Conclusion, your WhatsApp Business platform is such a valuable tool in your marketing arsenal. Indeed, a tool that has so much more to offer than the normal everyday messaging functionality most of us tend to use it for.

simon moreira profile picture

In fact, if you want to know more about the WhatsApp Business platform and its functionality don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are keen to hear from you. So, send us an email or simply fill in our FREE CONSULTATION form. We would be very happy to have an informal chat about what we can do to help you develop your marketing strategy and your business even further.

So, we look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck, stay strong, stay positive, and most importantly believe.

Simon writen in Moontime Calligraphy

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